Ofsted report published 9th February 2023.... 'Leaders have created a warm and welcoming ethos at Whittonstall First School. The whole school community is at the centre of the school’s vision. Pupils enjoy coming to school every day. They are proud of their work and the friendships they make.'


Our School behaviour policy is closely linked to our values and beliefs as a school. We use a restorative approach, that is child centred and positive. We recognise how important it is for children to be able to work with their feelings and how these feelings present as behaviours. You will find our behaviour policy is closely linked to the theory of Zones of Regulation. Where children are taught to recognise their feelings and also taught tools to help them re-regulate, address any behaviour themselves and with adult support. 
In our schools we  believe  in celebrating achievement and helping children to become citizens of the world. We have worked hard to ensure our behaviour policy supports and develops children to become fair, kind and thoughtful citizens of the future.