Ofsted report published 9th February 2023.... 'Leaders have created a warm and welcoming ethos at Whittonstall First School. The whole school community is at the centre of the school’s vision. Pupils enjoy coming to school every day. They are proud of their work and the friendships they make.'

Bronze Award - Crafty Afternoon

On Friday 13th March we celebrated achieving our Bronze Award with a crafty afternoon. We won the award for demonstrating excellent behaviour and listening, when we are all together at playtimes, lunch times and during assemblies. At the start of the school year, we chose the awards we would like to work towards.

We had a fun afternoon, choosing from the following activities;

Making a fridge magnet, pom-pom pets and stuffed bugs. We practised lots of different crafty skills including sewing and using wool to make pom poms.

We are working hard to earn our next reward which is going to be a movie afternoon with drinks and popcorn!