Ofsted report published 9th February 2023.... 'Leaders have created a warm and welcoming ethos at Whittonstall First School. The whole school community is at the centre of the school’s vision. Pupils enjoy coming to school every day. They are proud of their work and the friendships they make.'

Helpful Information

All you need to know everything about your week in class 3 should be in this section..... happy browsing! 
Mr Alex Hammersley

Year 3/4 class teacher

Hello! I'm Mr Hammersley and I am the year 3/4 class teacher at Whittonstall First School! As well as teaching my favourite things to do are cycling, watching football and playing darts. I really enjoy cooking nice food and taking my dog for walks. I am in charge of developing science and PE across our schools.

Mrs Lee

Teaching Assistant

Hello! My name is Mrs Lee and I work incredibly hard in Class 3 to support the boys and girls to reach their potential. When I am not at school I like spending time with my family and doing lots of reading.