Ofsted report published 9th February 2023.... 'Leaders have created a warm and welcoming ethos at Whittonstall First School. The whole school community is at the centre of the school’s vision. Pupils enjoy coming to school every day. They are proud of their work and the friendships they make.'

Festivals of Light

During the Autumn term, the whole school learned about three different festivals, all linked with the theme of light.

We found out how Hindus and Sikhs celebrate Diwali, Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah and Christians celebrate Christmas. We then held an activity afternoon and everyone made a small clay Diwa lamp, like those used during Diwali. We also all made a Chtistmas wreath to hang at home during our Christmas celbrations and a collage of a Hanukiah -an eight-stemmed candelabrum which is lit during the festival of Hanukkah.